Do you want greater customer attention and engagement?

Are you searching for a way to make your messaging stand out?

Make your visitors into clients with custom whiteboard/doodle videos

Whiteboard Animation explainer videos help you to get your message across.

Whiteboard animation videos allow you to create professional looking videos that have several distinct advantages:

  • No need to appear in front of the camera or hire actors.
  • Whiteboard animation is entertaining and eye-catching.
  • More distinctive and professional looking than slideshow type videos.

Whiteboard animation videos are simple yet engaging videos that show someone drawing text or images on a whiteboard or other surface. There is something hypnotic about watching the words or images unfold on the whiteboard. This makes these videos an extremely effective tool for anyone trying to deliver a message in a compelling manner.

If you have ever seen these videos, you know that they have a way of capturing your attention.

Whiteboard animation videos:

  • Have great ROI
  • Can contain custom art work
  • Can have unique characters and require no actors
  • Are trusted by Fortune 500 companies
  • Are crafted with HD Quality Video
  • Are fast & affordable

And you have 100% Ownership Rights!

These type of videos take advantage of the short attention span of the average viewer. By keeping the viewer’s eyes focused on the constantly changing images, it’s possible to keep people paying attention. The animation can be combined with a voiceover to make the presentation even more informative and interesting.

Benefits of Whiteboard Animation Videos

Whiteboard animation videos allow you to create professional looking videos that have several distinct advantages:

  • No need to appear in front of the camera or hire actors.
  • Whiteboard animation is entertaining and eye-catching.
  • More distinctive and professional looking than slideshow type videos.
  • They provide a good way to explain concepts in a simple, engaging way.
  • Explainer videos provide between 90 to 95% return on investment, while
    infographics fall behind in efficiency at 56%.
  •  Those using video win an average of $8,000 more revenue than those who don’t.
  • A Forbes Study revealed that 59% of a C-Suite executive audience would choose to watch a video rather than read the text if both are presented on a page.

Whiteboard animation videos can be used on your own website or blog to explain something about your product, service or business. This is a more entertaining way to convey information than to make people read long blocks of text or even watch a more ordinary type of video that contains nothing but slides or a person talking.

The same study showed that 39% of executives called a vendor after seeing an online video.

A 2012 report by Invodo showed that over half of eCommerce buyers report feeling more confident in a purchase decision after watching a product video.

According to research, overall online video consumption has risen by 800% in the last 5 years and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

Contact us today to learn more about Whiteboard Animations and how you can achieve greater customer attention and engagement at a lower cost than conventional videos.

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